
06 October 2010

The Sun Page 7 Fella

A Sun newspaper "Page 7 Fella" from February 1985. Note the 1980s bouffant mullet hairdo! 

The Sun Page 7 Fella caused a stir when he arrived in the early 1980s. Was this equality at last? No! said some - a male torso was in no way as revealing as a woman's breasts - many of which were to be seen on Page 3 over the years. But then 95% of workplace deaths being male and feminists' constant looking at a 'Glass Ceiling' and never a 'Glass Cellar' isn't equality either. And neither is the fact that domestic violence by women gets such scant attention. And sexual harassment. I've had some of that myself. 

The trouble is, in my 'Ever so 'Umble' opinion, both men and women are amazingly stupid: women for believing feminist ideology, which involves massive amounts of narcissism, misandry and self delusion, and men for immediately siding with anything the 'ladeez' say and dashing forward to be chivalrous white knights, while throwing their own sex under the bus.

But the human race is so funny - for all our posturings and belief in our greatness. Me included.

By 1988, the Sun had its own women's section - Sun Woman - and so at last there was a male Page 3, rather than a page 7. This particular "fella" dates from September '88. But, some complained, it wasn't really equality. A male torso was in no way as revealing as a woman's breasts. But then what is equality? The gender workplace death gap? The 'glass cellar' jobs gap? The gender custodial sentencing gap - massively skewed against males? The fact that until recently women retired five years earlier than men? Life is a lot more complex than the constant misandry spewed by the so-called equality movement, which has been so long accepted by the vast majority of people. I recommend a look at Janice Fiamengo and Karen Straughan's videos on YouTube for anybody who might like to investigate further.


Anonymous said...

the two male models are page7 mick peak and the page 3 is edan holt both from skegness and still live there both spotted on holiday abroad. both were in the 1989 sun calendar

Anonymous said...

Eden Holt - what a hunk!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Page 7 Fellas!, I used to have to wait for them to go in the bin & then retrieve them afterwards. So many crushes I had on those guys!

Anonymous said...

Such great fun saw them at the assembly hall in tunbridge wells and crooned over them in the bar afterwards! Stood in Q for ages to have a photo taken!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know when the picture of snooker player Tony Knowles was published for P7F?

Unknown said...

Does anyone know of a P7F named Simon from Nottinghamshire?

Anonymous said...

Paul silky jones