Remember those lyrics from Toto Coelo? I Eat Cannibals was a smashing piece of pop fun. You disagree? Suit yourselves, but I loved it then and love it now... oh sweet memories of youth!
In the USA, the group was known as "Total Coelo" after MOR group Toto made noises about the "Toto" part of Toto Coelo.
Back to those lyrics...
Hot pot, cook it up - I'm never gonna stop
yum yum, gee it's fun - I'm banging on a drum...
One member of Toto Coelo had a father who had been a celebrity for years, and whose career was shortly to receive a major boost...
... yep, band member Ros Holness was the daughter of Bob Holness, who would be appearing on the highly successful telly quiz Blockbusters from 1983 onwards.
In 1982, Bob was a radio newsreader and, for both his daughters, "P" was for pop...
From The Sun, September 1982:
Radio newsman Bob Holness has become pop's top pop.
Both his daughters, Carole and Ros, have records in the charts, although the former Radio One DJ, who is now the star of Independent Radio News, did not want the girls to have pop careers.
Ros is in the group Toto Coelo, whose record "I Eat Cannibals" is at number nine, and Carole, better known as Nancy Nova, has a single "No, No, No," hovering in the lower reaches.
Holness says: "They were both trained as actresses and I tried to steer them away from the pop business, but my guidance had the opposite effect.
"Now I'm rather pleased about their success. You can't really be worried if they succeed."
Carole was also in the original Toto Coelo until she broke away for a solo career.
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