The Pye Tube Cube radio/black and white TV/cassette/digital clock combination - an exciting new concept for the 1980s, launched circa 1982.
These were great - CONSUME, CONSUME! Nah, t'weren't like that in early 1983 when I bought mine. The big booming bit of the '80s was yet to arrive.
The simple fact was that my SERIOUSLY old telly had a horizontal hold so "gone" people on screen looked like eggs on legs, and the wood effect plastic surround was peeling off.
So, I put it out of its misery and bought a Tube Cube from my aunt's mail order catalogue, paying for it in minute weekly amounts.
A Pye Tube Cube ad shown during the first TV-am programme in 1983.
More 1980s TVs here.
I have one of these, I got it from my Nan years ago and still hae it in my bedroom now, listening to the radio, cassettes and watching tv has never been so easy.
love the tone dial onit and the red display, has everything a modern tv should have.
Yes, the one I had was excellent - and it never broke down. I had it from 1983 to around 1993 and ended up selling it - and it was still in perfect working order.
I won one of these at the Rossendale carnival in I think 1984. It was @space age@ for a lad of 12, and it was in my bedroom with pride! Its still at my mums and apart form the cassette door missing, still works fine! They made em to last in them days! PYE should be applauded.
Eddie Trueman age 38 and a quarter.
just found mine in the loft..hasnt been looked at in nearly 20 years..plugged it in..Yep!! still works
You lucky thing!
God I now wish I followed my instinct and got one of these - several people talked me out of buying one at the time - hindsights a wonderful thing!
I regret selling mine. It was like an old friend - I never had a moment's trouble with it.
I bought mine for £50 at a car boot sale in about 1984 when I was fourteen. I loved it! It was with me all the way through university and shared-houses in London - I had it til 2000 when - in a moment of madness, I had a clear out. Why oh why? Anyhow, I'm just got a replacement from ebay for £10!!! I feel like I have an old friend back in the house. Perfect in every way!!!
Aw! I still miss mine :(
I still have mine purchased in November 1983 but what can I do with it now everthing is digital? I fear it is heading for the tip.
I'll take it off your hands! :)
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