
06 April 2009

Will Powers: Kissing With Confidence

"When our lips meet, will they fit right?" In a decade of wonderful pop gems, glittering oh-so-brightly is that quirky 1983 hit Kissing With Confidence by Will Powers. But who was Mr Powers? David Jensen's Saturday Spin page in the Daily Mirror, 17 September 1983, has all the details...

Don't be fooled by a new single that's getting a lot of airplay, "Kissing With Confidence" by a certain Will Powers. In a deep masculine voice Mr Powers poses such delicate questions as "Is your breath fresh?"

The surprising thing is that the singer is a She, not a He!

Top American photo journalist Lynn Goldsmith had her voice electronically altered through a gadget called a harmoniser.

Lynn, who has spent her life chronicling the antics of pop performers - she was Bruce Springsteen's girlfriend for a long time - decided to join them.

But it was on the condition that she could hide behind the mysterious Mr Powers.

I can't help wondering about the fun we'll have watching her trying to perform the single on "Top Of The Pops" if it's a hit.

It's already a favourite of Arsenal football club. They play it before their home games.

All together now:

"I put an end to worrying, I learned a way from Will. He taught me kissing with confidence is an acquired skill. When my boyfriends get too hot - I can cool 'em down, now I'm kissing with confidence everywhere in town..."

Mentioned in the clipping above is a Vince Clarke/Feargal Sharkey liaison, which was part of Vince's The Assembly project. The resultant song was It Never Happens To Me.

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