
09 June 2012

Technology 1988!

A couple of pages from the Comet stores "programme", which appeared in some magazines from 2/11/1988 onwards. Fascinating to look at the trends of the day. Since the early 1980s, a plethora of new phone designs had arrived - including the Binatone Hotline 2 MP200 - a one-piece telephone with 10 number memory. One-piece phones never really took off in this country, but this particular model was a snip at £12.99 - a saving of £2.00 on the recommended price at Comet in 1988. 

Pictured is a clunking great cordless telephone - the GEEMARC 2000, with full two-way intercom at £99.99. Not cheap.

Fancy a cellular phone? The car telephone featured would set you back £399 and a Motorola 8000s hand-held would cost you £599. The latter is described as "lightweight, stylish and compact".
Lightweight, stylish and compact?! It was, of course, by today's standards, a brick. 

Remember Only Fools And Horses and Del Boy Trotter's failed flirtation with yuppiedom and mobile phones in the late 1980s? 

Pictured is the Amstrad CPC6128 computer with 128K RAM and built in disk drive.

Technology 1988 style was a whole different world...

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