The shaded area of this photograph represents the portion of the Albion Market warehouse which has been demolished.
Left - an early '90s view of the old Market set standing beside the newly-opened Victoria and Albert Hotel. Right - the partly-demolished Market set as it is today. A new building stands on the site of the demolished section of the set.
I've had an e-mail from Rod, who asks:
Is it true that the set used for Albion Market in Water Street, Manchester, has been demolished?
Not totally, as far as I know, Rod - unless there have been recent developments I am unaware of.
The building which was used for the market superintendent's office and Waterman's Arms pub was demolished in the early 1990s. A photograph of it exists from 1990, but I think that this was the very last pic taken - the building disappeared, I believe, when work began on the Victoria and Albert Hotel, which opened in 1992.
The building used as the Albion Market bookies disappeared at the same time.
The Albion Market warehouse remained intact until more recent years. Part of it was then demolished to make way for a new building - I believe it is part of the hotel.
If anybody has any more information to share, I would be pleased to hear from them. Click on our "ALBION MARKET" label below for more market memories.
It's due to be converted into a riverside food hall soon but here it is as photographed recently from inside - note the back of the Albion Market façade still present after all this time!:
P.S. Great blogs, always enjoy reading :)