And then, after a massive shortage of Cubes which stretched on into 1981, the craze took off and entranced just about everybody!
To win your very own sealed Rubik's Cube, actually manufactured in 1980, simply look at the ten 1980s song lyrics listed below. These are from some of my very favourite songs. Tell me the title and the band/singer via the "Comments" section here - or e-mail your answers to actual80s@btinternet.com - and the first name drawn from our '80s economy size Superdrug Hair Gel container on 10 December wins the Cube!
Here are those lyrics:
1) Walking in the pouring rain, walking with Jesus and Jane...
2) I heard it in the House of Commons, everything's for sale...
3) Pretending not to see his gun, I said "Let's go out and have some fun"...
4) Get your booty on the floor tonight - make my day...
5) It's not my sense of emptiness you fill with your desire...
6) Take a chance and put your money down, we will race you high above the ground...
7) Concerned and caring, help the helpless, but always remain ultimately selfish...
8) I saw you look like a Japanese baby. In an instant, I remembered everything...
9) Live out your fantasies here with me. Just let the music set you free...
10) Take a girl like that and put her in a natural setting, like a café for example...
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