Wonderfully drippy Kimberley was one of several new characters introduced to the Street in 1989, including the McDonald family and Reg Holdsworth (Ken Morley). The Street went three episodes a week, and Alan Bradley (Mark Eden) met his death when he was hit by a Blackpool tram.
25 June 2012
Coronation Street 1989: "Mind Out, You're Treading On Mr Watts!"
A classic Coronation Street comment from Bettabuy supermarket employee Kimberley Taylor, played by Suzanne Hall, forms the title of this post. She and poor old Curly (Kevin Kennedy) had walked straight into aggro in The Rovers Return in 1989 as building site workers picked a fight with Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell). The workers were transforming the factory and community centre side of the street into a new development of houses, shops and industrial units, an enterprise of one Maurice Jones (Alan Moore).
Wonderfully drippy Kimberley was one of several new characters introduced to the Street in 1989, including the McDonald family and Reg Holdsworth (Ken Morley). The Street went three episodes a week, and Alan Bradley (Mark Eden) met his death when he was hit by a Blackpool tram.
Wonderfully drippy Kimberley was one of several new characters introduced to the Street in 1989, including the McDonald family and Reg Holdsworth (Ken Morley). The Street went three episodes a week, and Alan Bradley (Mark Eden) met his death when he was hit by a Blackpool tram.
1989 - TV,
Coronation Street,
Soaps in the 80s
16 June 2012
1988 - Wicked! Gel 'N' Mousse, Designer Stubble, Ripped Jeans, Party People And Boxer Shorts...

Makes me feel old to see it back again.

In Carly Simon's song "Coming Around Again" what is Mummy doing when Daddy "breezes in" and also why did the baby sneeze?
Curious BJ Fan, Bucks.
"Baby sneezes, Mommy PLEASES, Daddy breezes in." I've really no idea why the baby sneezes, perhaps it was sitting in a draught or it had just had a very cold drink of Pepsi or it had been for a brisk walk in the bracing air. Just use your imagination. Please!
Magic. And don't miss Freeda The Frog declaring her undying love for Gordon the Gopher.

Flamin' Nora...
I liked Sinitta's camp, hi-N-R-G pop. Here she is (with her toyboy?), revealing that sometimes he's a trendy boxer shorts man. What was all this with boxer shorts? Well, for years, medics had been fussing over we men's personal bits, claiming that they got a little too overcrowded and overheated in briefs and Y-fronts and that they really weren't good for our fertility.

Underwear had become very brief in the 1960s, but in the mid-to-late 1980s, made acceptable by the likes of Nick Kamen, boxers were on the rise again. A healthier, "stylish" alternative. Yes, probably, as regards the former, but as regards the latter - PURLEASE!! Compare this 1988 trend with skimpy 1982 - here.
Were these "trusty 501's" ready for the dustbin? Are you kidding?
The label on that top recommended hand washing in luke warm water with Dreft. But would the girly listen? Would she heck - she was too busy moussing her hair up.
My mother was a "child of the '60s" and sported a huge beehive hairdo back then which took about eighteen cans of hair spray to create. Even in the 1970s, she would gas us with hair spray fumes, creating a more modest hair style, before going to the local Labour Club for bingo on Friday and Saturday nights.
Stars out and about in July 1988 - from the News of the World Sunday Magazine. Prince Charles shows off his chest, "Loadsamoney" Harry Enfield does his Stavros bit, being all caring and sharing over a kebab, Samantha Fox hitches a ride with Simon Climie of Climie Fisher and Ben Vol-au-Vent (as we always called him) of Curiosity Killed The Cat wears weird footwear with band mate Migi.

In the 1980s, as concern for the ozone layer took hold, we youngsters gleefully grasped hold of new kind-to-ozone products like hair gel and mousse so that we could perform evil experiments on our own crowning glories.

Meanwhile, Linda Gray takes a break from Sue Ellen, Jim Davidson's still about, and Arnold Schwarzeneggar takes a stroll with Danny DeVito.
Double er...
By 1988 I was getting a mite raddled, and wasn't as "with it" as I once had been... Oh for the days of Toto Coelo!
By 1988 I was getting a mite raddled, and wasn't as "with it" as I once had been... Oh for the days of Toto Coelo!
1988 - fashion,
1988 - music,
designer stubble,
15 June 2012
The New £1 Coin - And Other 1980s Brass In Pocket Innovations

And then, in the early-to-mid 1980s, several changes occurred.
In 1980, the old sixpence ceased to be legal tender.
We gained the very first twenty pence coins in 1982.
Then, in 1983, we gained the very first pound coins.
And then, in 1984, the half penny ceased to be. It had been an unpopular coin for years, many people thought it not worth the bother. But still, some mourned its passing. One tabloid newspaper even published a full history of the half penny - going back centuries into the pre-decimal era.
The £1 coin, which would prove to be the death of the £1 note, was unveiled in 1982, although it would not become legal tender until 1983, and a fascinating "Public Opinion Special" in the Daily Mirror on March 10, 1982, revealed a mixed bag of opinion regarding the new coin - and what it should be called...
From the Mirror:
When Britain's new £1 coin was unveiled on February 10, we asked readers to send us their ideas for a name for the new coin. The response ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous. Many reflected their dismay with the continuing drop in the value of the pound. Here is a selection of some of the many letters we received.
What's wrong with continuing to call it a pound? But if you REALLY want to know what I think about it, it's unprintable!
It's going to be a terrible nuisance. We already have to deal with bulky coins which don't fit into wallets.
I've already broken the clasps on two good ones and my husband is wearing away more trouser pockets than I care to count - Mrs O.F., Solihull, West Midlands.
The name that springs to mind is Joker. Looking like gold and calling itself a pound is a joke for a start, isn't it? - A.T., Redhill, Surrey.
A Monarch would be my choice. It has the flavour of sovereign about it but it is more original - Mrs G.R., Surrey.
We should follow the French example and call ours the Brit - R.P., Waltham Abbey, Essex.
I shall call the new quid a Thatcher. It will remind me that it was minted during the office of the worst Prime Minister this country has ever known - J.F., Northolt, Middlesex.
The new coin should be a tribute to the Princess of Wales.
An anagram of her name works out as Adina. It's attractive and easy to say. What could be more suitable than that! - Mrs B.S., Wilmslow, Cheshire.
Let's call it a Di! - Mrs E.K., Brackley, Northants.
Why not call it a "mite"? Judging by the size of it, you "mite" be able to find it among your small change and you just "mite" be able to buy something with it. Then again, you "mite" not! - T.C., Cleveland.
It should be called a Tory because, like the Tories, it's worthless! - B.C., Omagh, County Tyrone.
It should be called an Eliza, because you will be able to "Doolittle" with it! - W.S., Harlow, Essex.
Of course, despite all the little grey cells being exercised above, we called the new pound coin a pound. Or a quid. Just as we had the old notes.
Also in the 1980s world of loose change, we dropped the "New" from "New Pence" on the original decimal coins designed back in the 1960s.
Well, they weren't that new any more.
In 1986 the very first £2 coin was produced - to commemorate the Common Wealth Games, held that year in Edinburgh. This was purely a commemorative coin - not produced for mass circulation, as was the second £2 coin, struck in 1989, to celebrate the tercentenary of the English Bill Of Rights. Scotland had its own 1989 £2 coin to celebrate the tercentenary of its Claim Of Right.
Dallas: Pam's Dream And The Shower Scene

Mention Dallas and everybody immediately thinks of the 1980 "Who Shot JR?" cliffhanger (more here). Everything before was just scene setting, everything afterwards... well, wasn't of the same standard. It's a piece of TV history we'll never forget.
I'm fond of Dallas. JR (Larry Hagman) was great, I loved S'wellin (Linda Gray), Cliffy (Ken Kercheval) and Miss Ellie (Barbara Bel Geddes) and so on - and, whilst 1980 was definitely the peak, it kept people talking for years afterwards.
But sometimes it overdid things...
In 1986, Pammy woke up to find Bobby (or rather "Barbee"), her dead husband, in the shower.
Only he wasn't dead at all.
But he'd been killed by Katherine Wentworth (Morgan Brittany).
We'd seen it.
We'd blubbed over the funeral.
Well, I had, soppy thing that I am.
But no, none of that counted. Pam had dreamt it and in fact the whole of the previous season's episodes. And they'd contained some pretty convoluted, perhaps one might even say twisted storylines let me tell you.
What about Pam's marriage to Mark Graison?
What about the strange man with the mullet who had just blown somebody up in a car (I forget who) in the final episode of the season?
What about the woman in the weird clothes who had planted a bomb in a briefcase at JR's office which had blown up both the office and Sue Ellen in the same episode?
Suddenly, we had to face startling new facts...
Pammy, who had always seemed so sweet and nice, had cooked the whole thing up in a dream.
What was this woman's subconscious mind like? Warped wasn't the word for it.
I never felt the same about Pammy after that. Weirdo.
11 June 2012
Dr Who In The 1980s: Unsettled Times For A Time Lord

Interviewed in the Daily Mirror on November 5th, 1980, Tom said:
"Finishing with Dr Who is a great emotional jolt after playing it so long, but we need these emotional jolts in our lives, they are good for us.
"The Doctor has made me quite well off and believe me there was no row with the BBC. It was strictly my decision. I have had offers from America and hopefully my next project after finishing the present 'Dr Who' series will be a 'Sherlock Holmes' film.
'The Hound of the Baskervilles', with me playing Sherlock. I like that kind of role.
"There is so much nastiness in the world, so much violence and horror I want to keep away from it, bury myself in make-believe. I don't want the horrible realities. That's why I liked 'Dr Who'. It was all fun, fun, fun."

From the Sun, 16/4/1981
Hats off to actor Peter Davison. He's out to prove what a big hit he will be as the new 'Dr Who'.
Peter produced a whopping new space shot yesterday as he warmed up for his new role.
He will be wearing the cricket gear when the intrepid Doctor starts a new series next January.
And Peter, who first shot to fame in "All Creatures Great And Small", wants to be able to bat his way out of bother.
Chances are he won't be caught out too often. Peter, who is the youngest ever Dr Who, is a keen cricketer already.

The new Doctor Who stepped out of his Tardis yesterday looking like a walking jumble sale.
He was wearing an outfit described by the TV show's producer John Nathan-Turner as "totally tasteless."
The Doctor, alias actor Colin Baker, sported a coat of many colours and fabrics, yellow-and-black striped trousers, a floppy green polka-dot bow tie and green shoes with red spats.
Colin, who takes over as Dr Who No 6 from Peter Davison in March, said in London:
"The Doctor is not a human, so he doesn't follow human trends. Hence the costume.
"Actually, I think it's smashing."
The 1980s were unsettled times for Dr Who, and the original series finally ended in 1989 with Silvester McCoy at the helm as the decade's third new Doctor.
More '80s Actual Dr Who material coming soon.
1980 - TV,
1981 - TV,
1984 - TV,
Children's TV,
Dr Who,
Science fiction
How To Be A Wally

The How To Be A Wally back cover synopsis:
You have just become a bit of a wally SIMPLY BY PICKING UP THIS BOOK!
Now see if you can take it a stage further. Buy it. Then buy a copy for a friend.
And you can both find out
in the comfort of your own home! Yes, with the help of easy, step-by-step diagrams, you can learn to:
Stand outside DER showrooms in the rain watching 'Game For A Laugh'
Feed prawn-cocktail flavour crisps to the lions in safari parks
Get the best out of your Colonel Bogey car horn
Destroy a Spanish football stadium
plus much more besides!
The complete, no holds-barred guide to the wally lifestyle - AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD!

The 1980s House - Part 2

1980s decor,
1980s trends,
The 1980s House
More 1980s Fashions: Girls Wearing Braces...

Essential for the 1980s Wall Street look.
Nice big red braces, often with exquisite patterns...
But that was a male fashion trend of slightly later than 1983. The Sunday Mirror of August 14 1983 revealed that braces were making waves in female fashion circles. And here we weren't talking about outlandish dressers like punks or skinheads (or Chas and Dave fans!). No, this was your average girl next door.
As illustrated by the two models in the photograph which accompanied the article, braces could actually help to... er... accentuate a woman's femininity.
Koo Stark was giving braces for girlies a leg-up in 1983. Remember Koo? The American actress who had a brief romance with Prince Andrew in the early 1980s? People were agog, as Miss Stark had once appeared in an erotic film called Emily. Would she become a princess? No, as it turned out, and "randy Andy" as the prince was nicknamed, married Sarah Ferguson in 1986.
Anyway, enough from me - here's the text:
Braces are back - but now it's the girls who are wearing them, not the men.
Last week Koo Stark, following the trend set by cockney duo Chas and Dave, sported a smart pair of braces when she was pictured outside a London hotel.
But her clip-on versions, though smart and trendy, are not the ultimate in fashion chic, according to top Savile Row fashion designer Tommy Nutter.
It is the old-fashioned button-on variety that are selling like hot-cakes.
Tommy made up dinner suits for Elaine Paige, Twiggy and Bianca Jagger, all cut for braces.
For some girls however, wearing braces can have two distinct disadvantages. Bucks Fizz singer Jay Aston said: "I haven't got a lot for them to get in the way of. But some girls might have awful problems."
So for big busted girls the answer is to wear them - as Koo did - only just on the edge of the shoulder.
Before the fashion fad, braces in junk shops cost 25p. Tommy's version sell for up to £19.95.
But for really cut price chic, Woolworths are selling button-on braces for £2.99 or Koo Stark-style clip-ons for £1.35.
1980s fashions,
1983 - fashion,
Royal Family
10 June 2012
POST BAG: From Shutter Shades (AKA Venetian Blinders) To Albion Market...

Several lovely e-mails received. Thanks so much. I really appreciate hearing from people out here on Planet '80s!
Firstly, Monica asks:
Did you wear shutter shades or Venetian blinders as they were nicknamed when they first came out in the 1980s? They're back in fashion now and I find them really cool and '80s!
Hi, Monica! Nope, I never wore shutter shades. I liked them though. I remember Astrid Plane, female singer in Animotion wearing them in the video for the group's 1985 hit Obsession and Chris Lowe of the Pet Shop Boys also sporting a pair. The trouble was, there was so many choices of fashion in the 1980s and I wanted to be so dressy that there was simply not enough time to fit everything in. Maybe I'll try them this time around! :)
Mark asks:
I love all the stuff on synth pop, New Romantics, House music and Acid House here, also the Hip Hop scene. But what about Kajagoogoo? When are you going to cover Kajagoogoo? They, to my mind, are a major omission!
LOL, Mark! Don't worry, Limahl and the boys will be covered here soon. We already have a mention of them elsewhere on the blog, but I do intend to do them justice.
Ooh, To Be Ah... really captured the zeitgeist of 1983! :)
Sara says:
Well done with the Albion Market soap continuation. One of the things I adore about this site is its quirkiness - so much great stuff, so dependable, but all presented in your own utterly unique style. And who else would have thought of continuing Albion Market than your good self? I never saw a lot of this soap, just started watching after Helen Shapiro joined, but I love the way you capture the tempo and the characters. So wonderful as today's soaps are so rubbish! Looking forward to finding out just who it is spying on Derek and Chan!
Crumbs, Sara, that means there are TWO people following Albie on here - which is two more than I ever expected! Thank you. I'm being very self indulgent with that particular feature, but I've always wanted to try my hand at writing a soap, the Albie saga reminds me of some very wonderful times in my life, and I love trying to reflect life in 1986 through the stories. Episode 103 is in preparation, so stay tuned! I'd like to see the original series released on DVD one day. True, it was repeated on Sky Soap/Granada Plus in the 1990s, but it was edited - many episodes brutally chopped - and a lot of good scenes went missing.
Garfield, Garfield Everywhere...

Garfield is greedy, cynical and lazy. He has a passion for lasagna, a love/hate relationship with Odie, the dog, and is pretty loyal to his not-terribly-bright owner, Jon Arbuckle, all things considered.

I have had several queries about the "1978" copyright label on some Garfield merchandise. This refers to the year the character was first copyrighted. If you have an early Garfield toy, mug etc, it will have been manufactured in the 1980s. As can be seen in the illustration at the top of this post, Garfield looked rather different in 1978!
Garfield creator Jim Davis’ company, Paws, Inc, was founded in 1981 to take care of the creative side of the Garfield licensing business.

Swoon, swoon!
Well, it seemed to be love at first sight, but in reality the celebrity had simply spotted the frozen lasagna in her shopping bag. We tried to warn her that it was only cupboard love - but would she listen?!

And sometimes in my bed, if I had nobody else to cuddle.
1983 -fads,
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