
10 January 2018

From The Oops Upside Your Head Rowing Dance To The Fall Of The Berlin Wall... What's Your Favourite 1980s Thing?

Did you Go For It on a BMX?
The 1980s had it all, of course. My goodness, when you think back... A was for the Adventure Game and, er, Albion Market, B was for BMX, C was for Care Bears and CB radio, D was for dance music, E was for, um, Ecstasy and Eurythmics, and so on.

But what was your favourite thing from the 1980s? Whether exciting inventions like DNA fingerprinting, the C5 (!), the Apple Mac, Microsoft Windows or the World Wide Web float your boat, or pop culture newcomers like Rubik's Cube or Pac-Man or dancing flowers set your mind deliciously reeling, let us know here at '80s Actual.

Perhaps it was news biggies like the Fall of the Berlin wall, or dance crazes like Oops Upside Your Head. The Gap Band were highly puzzled when the song was released in England in 1980 to find everybody getting on the floor - literally. The craze spun out of nowhere, but the Birdie Dance, of course, came ready equipped with its own moves, as did the later House and Hip Hop scenes.

Or perhaps you had a real '80s Bad Boy - one of the original mobile phones? Great for building up the biceps. Didn't you just lurve it?!

We're setting up a new poll here for you to favour your fave 1980s thingies. It will be here soon. In the meantime, drop us a line via the comments. Time for a bit of a wallow in fragrant 1980s nostalgia... we look forward to hearing from you! xx

Hilda: "Well, I quite liked Lonnie Donegan. That was the 1980s, wasn't it?"
Howard: "No, dear."

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